More old treasure added to the shop!!

Back in the day, we used to go to a lot of local conventions and markets to sell our kawaii Japanese products, but unfortunately we had to stop doing that because of other work commitments (I started a second job working weekends which kinda made it impossible!)
And because we only had odds and sods left from those markets (2 of this product, 4 of this product, 1 of this product..) A lot of that old stock ended up in the "too hard basket" and never got added to the online shop. (Taking all of the photos and making the listing etc is a lot of work for, say, when you only have one or 2 of a product left!)
So, a lot of that old treasure has just been kept in storage.
Every now and then though, when I am feeling particularly nostalgic, I dig through some of that old treasure (which is still in storage) and choose one or two goodies to add to the online shop.
Pretty much all of it is unavailable ANYWHERE else online now, and these may be the last few available "brand new" examples of some of these old limited edition items, so yeah. Rare as rocking horse poo, as they say!
This adorable little Rilakkuma plush hanger is the latest vintage treasure to be added to the shop! This little Rilakkuma (Rilak=relax, kuma=bear) is one of Japanese kawaii company San-X's most famous and beloved characters. This particular treasure was made back in 2008, and imported directly from Japan. This Rilakkuma is looking particularly relaxed, lying down with his legs crossed and his hands behind his head, whilst sporting a lucky four leaf clover on his head!! Hopefully there are still some old San-X lovers around who can appreciate this little cutie ♥
(Click the image below for the product listing and more details!)